SCDD!!! 24- Believe! In My Pure Heart!   Leave a comment

(crying “moe”-ness because I can’t find the episode title part where I usually get my screencaps)

Okay. Satelight made me mostly angry this week.

But they kinda satisfied me at the end. *grins* I also realized I should start lengthening my posts. (will start that next weeeek :D)

The moment of truth. I’m glad they found out. I’m so tired of Rikkaaaaaa >:-I

Su explaining about the X-Egg’s feelings. Lol at the catfish in the background.

Rikka looks dead. 😮

Ooh, Amu’s determined face!!

This annoys me. Why aren’t you going to scold her for what she’s done? Just because she’s a kid?

*oooooooooo* KIRA

Well. I should’ve known this was going to happen. (yay, she got a new pose) I hope they still won’t over-use her.

I like yellow. And stars. I do. 8D

I like Twinkle Hold, even if it is an Anime-Made move.

Kyara Nari! Rip-off Dia!

(it’s actually Pure Feeling but whatever)


And they used the same sequence they use, so Rikka really looked like Amu while transforming. But I liked Rikka’s tropical-ish music.

Honestly where did those curls come on her head? She doesn’t have that long of hair!! Then again, I think your hair gets longer with a Character Transformation, but still

Well, the copy-catting aside, I like the glow effect….

Wait, what? Rikka’s doing an Open Heart with her?



At least they’re finally all purified. Now Rikka can stop being stupid. *still angry about the rip-off and Open Heart*

Wait….is she leaving?

I think not.


Anyway….pushing all that dumb shiz aside….

MY HUSBAND’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, that was pretty damn epic. Is Dia hinting or something? She always appears for Amuto happenings (except episode 43). xD And she “hugged” him, too. (well, we already know she’s a fan)


Okay. DEFINITELY be back next week.

Ugh, I should be working with Yumeiro Patissiere, too… I won’t catch up with the ones I missed, but I’ll try to do tomorrow’s. Sorry for those who were waiting, if you were.

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